Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Recipe: Carrots Poriyal

This is a recipe that we made at my 3 spring cooking workshops.  It is simple and delicious! You can use regular organic carrots or use purple carrots, which I found at our local farmers market. For more than 3 or 4 people, double the recipe.  Note: urad dal, mustard seeds and hing are available at Indian grocery stores.

Carrots Poriyal
(Adapted from Vegetarian India by Madhur Jaffrey)

5 medium or 4 large carrots
1T ghee
½ t urad dal
½ t mustard seeds
1 dried chili
½ t turmeric
A few pinches of hing, (asafoetida)
½ t salt
1 T grated ginger
3-4 T water

1 T dried unsweetened coconut (or fresh grated)
2 T coarsely chopped fresh cilantro

Wash and scrub carrots and slice thinly (1/4 to ½ inches) into rounds. Halve the larger pieces from the tops of the carrots.

Heat the ghee in a heavy frying pan or wok over medium heat. Add urad dal, and as soon as it starts to change color add the mustard seeds and chili. When the mustard seeds pop add the turmeric, hing, salt, ginger and carrots. Cook uncovered, stirring frequently for 2-3 minutes. Then add the water, stir to mix, cover and cook on low heat for 6 -8 minutes until the carrots are tender. Uncover, stir in the coconut and cilantro to mix, and turn off the heat.

Serves 3 to 4.

Cooked carrots are especially good for Vata and Kapha and okay for Pitta in moderation. They purify the blood and tonify the kidneys.

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