Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Benefits or Ghee!

As many of you know, if you have taken one of my Cooking or Yoga for Osteoporosis workshops or have studied Ayurveda with me, I am often extolling the virtues and benefits of ghee.
In today’s Food Section of the Washington Post, there is a nice article about ghee titled “The rest of the world is finally catching on to this Indian staple”.  Here is the link:
I use ghee in practically all my cooking.  It has a high smoke point so it does not break down like other oils do. Other benefits of ghee in addition to those mentioned in the article include the vitamins it contains like D and K2 which are important for keeping bones strong, that it enhances the absorption of the nutrients in food and spices which are cooked in it, and that it contains omega-3 essential fatty acids.    If you do not want to try making your own, there are a number of stores in the metropolitan area that carry organic ghee.  They include the Takoma Park/Silver Spring co-op, the Bethesda co-op, MOMs  and Whole Foods stores.
Ghee is also tasty! Enjoy!

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