Monday, March 28, 2016

Tips for a Healthy Spring

Just as we clean out closets and our yards in early spring, we need to clean our bodies and minds from the sluggishness of winter and make space for new growth to promote optimal health and enjoy the vibrancy and color of spring.

Here are a few tips:

Diet:  Our agni or digestive fire is lower in the spring than in winter.  We should eat less and have foods that are light and warming, avoiding cold and heavy foods and reducing dairy.  Fresh bitter greens and sprouts like asparagus are especially helpful for reducing congestion and sluggishness.

In general eat more foods that are
pungent, like ginger, radishes, hot peppers, mustard, onions and garlic.
bitter, like all greens, lettuce, fenugreek, aloe vera, and rhubarb.
astringent, like most legumes, pomegranates, green beans and okra.

Eat less of foods that have the sweet, salty and sour tastes.

Consider embarking on a few day mono diet or kitchari cleanse.  If interested, contact me for more information.

Morning Routine:  Wake before dawn.  Consider incorporating a  few cleansing rituals into your morning routine.  Several simple ones include:
Splashing your face and eyes with cold water as it is rejuvenating and soothing,
Cleaning your tongue with a tongue scraper to remove the bacteria on the tongue and stimulate the digestive system,
Cleaning and lubricating your nasal passages with a neti pot and nasya oil, and
Drinking a cup of warm or hot water either plain or with the juice of 1/4 lemon to cleanse and awaken  the digestive tract.

Tongue Scrapers, neti pots and salt are available at most health food stores. Contact me about where to find nasya oil.

Stay Active:  Take a walk in the morning during Kapha time, between 6 and 10 am.  Enjoy being in nature.   Do energetic yoga practices like sun salutations and the warrior poses.  Do breath practices like kapalabati (skull shining breath).

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