Friday, January 8, 2016

Warm Winter Snack: Spiced cooked apple and pear

In the cold of winter, vata season,  it is important to eat mostly warm and moist foods to help us stay healthy and nourished. At snack times, instead of going for a raw apple or pear, consider cooking your fruit.  One of my favorite winter comfort foods is a simple spiced apple and pear dish.

Debbie's Spiced Cooked Apple and Pear

This recipe serves one, for 2 double the recipe, using 1 pear and 1 apple.

1/2  apple, on the tart side, sliced 1/4 to 1/2 inch thickness.  My favorites for this are Pink Lady and Nittany, available at farmers markets.
1/2 firm pear, such as bosc, sliced about 1/2 inch thick.
1/2 to 1 T ghee
a few pinches of salt
1/4 t cinnamon, or to taste.

In a small frying pan heat ghee over low heat.  When it has melted add a few pinches of salt and the fruit, stirring to coat.  Cover the pan and cook for a few minutes.  Then sprinkle in the cinnamon over the fruit, cover again and simmer until the fruit is soft, for a few more minutes. Pour into a bowl, including the juices and enjoy!

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