It is ironic that the only real snowfall of the winter is on the first full day of spring (if you are in Maryland and DC Metro area)!
Since most activities were cancelled, this was and is a good day to take time to slow down and do something out of your normal routine, especially some activity that is refreshing and relaxing.
Consider taking a walk in the snow while it is still beautiful and white. Make some nourishing vegetable soup or stew. Do a restorative pose like legs up the wall or reclined butterfly for at least 10 minutes, or lie in a supported savasana. You could listen to a guided relaxation or yoga nidra practice. It is also nice to have a cup of herbal tea and look out the window at the snow. Enjoy the day!
Here is one of my favorite poems about this time of year, by Emily Dickinson.
New feet within my garden go,
New fingers stir the sod;
A troubadour upon the elm
Betrays the solitude.
New children play upon the green,
New weary sleep below:
And still the pensive spring returns,
And still the punctual snow!
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