Thursday, July 7, 2016

Update on July Cooking Workshops

I had to cancel the July 9th workshop, and the July 17th workshop featuring palak paneer is full!
If you would like another opportunity to get tips for staying cool and calm and keeping your digestive system healthy and balanced during the heat of summer, I can hold another workshop the weekend of July 23 and 24, either 10 to 1 on Saturday the 23rd or 2 to 5 on Sunday the 24th.   You will get hands on experience making simple and delicious dishes as well as eating what we prepare!
Please let me know if you are able to come and which date is better or if you can come either time.  Send me an Email to reserve a space, and it will go on one of those days if enough people sign up.  The next cooking workshop will not be until October.
Let me know if you have any questions, and I look forward to seeing you!
My Email is

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