Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Mountain Brook, a cooling restorative pose

With the summer heat in its full intensity, take time out of your day to practice a cooling and relaxing restorative pose!  Cool that Pitta!   Mountain Brook is gentle and easy to set up. You can practice it for as little as 5 and up to 15 minutes if you can stay with ease.

Below are 2 pictures of me in the pose, how to set up and the benefits.

All you need is 3 blankets: 1 rolled up just as much as you need to support your neck, 1 folded the long way and placed under your upper back to gently open your chest, and 1 rolled up and put under your knees (you can put a bolster under your knees instead).   Make sure you are comfortable and adjust the blankets as needed.  Once you are in the pose allow your body to settle and relax, and let your breath be natural and calm and relaxed. Notice the rise and fall of your belly.  Enjoy!
  When you are ready to come out of the pose, after 5 to 15 minutes, roll to 1 side, supporting your head, stay there briefly, and then push up to a seated position.

The many benefits of Mountain Brook include:
It opens the throat.
It is a passive heart and chest opener.
It helps you breathe more freely.
It is a release for the sacrum and pelvis.
It counteracts the slumped sitting posture so many of us have.

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