Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Good foods for summer or Pitta season

Here are some dietary tips to help stay cool in  the heat and humidity of the summer.  Remember to drink cool drinks but not ice cold.    This is the time of year to eat salads and lots of fresh fruit, but remember to eat fruit as snacks in between meals and not as part of the meal.  Favor the tastes sweet, bitter and astringent as they are calming to Pitta. 

Good fruits for the season are sweet and ripe like cherries, berries, melons, avocados, grapes,  pomegranate, and apples and pears.
Favor  vegetables such as zucchini, lettuces, cucumbers, cilantro, green beans and greens.
Fresh organic dairy products are  good, including whole milk, ghee, soft cheeses and yogurt (in moderation).
Summer seasonings that are beneficial are lime, mint, coriander (both fresh and the seeds), fennel and cardamom.

Reduce heating, sour and oily foods like fried foods, heavy meats, aged cheeses and unripe fruit.  Reduce salt intake and spicy, pungent foods such as radishes, onions, garlic and chilies.

Eat locally when possible, enjoy the summer harvest!

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