Below are both a recipe for okra and a picture of the completed dish. Late summer and early fall are the best times to get fresh local okra. If you are not an okra fan, I encourage you to give fresh okra a try. Look for smallish ones as they are more tender than the bigger okra. The mango powder adds a nice touch, but as the recipe states, you can substitute extra tomatoes if you do not want to venture out to an Indian grocery store.
Now that we are truly in Vata season we need to look at changing our diet to balance out some of Vata’s qualities such as cold, dry and mobile. We should be eating mostly warm or hot foods and warm or at least room temperature drinks. To counteract the dryness we need more moisture to stay healthy and avoid getting colds. Increase healthy oils in our diet like ghee, avocados and good quality olive oil. For grounding include more root vegetables in our cooking and heavier foods like oats, nuts and cooked mushrooms.Okra with Onions
(Adapted from Ayurvedic Healing Cuisine by Harish Johari)
Johari's basic soaked masala
½ c water
1 t ground turmeric1 t ground coriander
2 to 3 T ghee
1 large onion, chopped
1 medium to large clove garlic, chopped fine
12 to 16 oz fresh okra, washed while whole, dried on a dish towel, and then cut into lengthwise or crosswise strips
1 t salt
½ to ¾ t mango powder (available at Indian grocery stores)
1 small to medium tomato, chopped. Use 2 tomatoes if you do not have the mango powder.
Combine the ingredients for the masala (water, turmeric and coriander) and let stand for 5 minutes and then stir into a thin paste and set aside.
In a heavy pot, heat the ghee over medium heat. Saute the onions for about a minute and then add the garlic, and cook until onions are golden brown. Add the soaked masala, and cook for several minutes, stirring frequently. Stir in the okra, salt, mango powder and tomatoes. Cover and cook over low heat for about 15 to 20 minutes. Check periodically, stir and add a little water if necessary to prevent sticking.
Serves 4 to 5 along with
other dishes like rice and dal.
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