Sunday, March 29, 2020

Tips for Staying Healthy in These Times

In Ayurveda, the 3 pillars of good health are Diet, Lifestyle and Stress Management/Good Sleep.  In normal times, when we are running around with our busy lives we might not pay enough attention to any of these.  Now with social distancing and spending more time at home we are presented with a wonderful opportunity to work on all 3.
One of the most important things we can do as everything is off kilter  is develop and maintain a Healthy Daily Routine.  I will address some of the specifics in another post, but for now I want to encourage everyone to stay active!  Taking walks in nature with all the beautiful unfolding of spring flowers and flowering trees is food for the soul.  And so is yoga,  which helps our bodies keep moving and is a marvelous tool for calming our breathe and managing stress. 
If you already take yoga, you probably know that most studios are now holding on-line classes.  Although as a teacher it is a little strange to not be able to interact personally with my students, it feels so necessary to keep teaching, and I am slowly getting used to it.  I hope you will  explore options if you have not already.  And if you have not taken yoga before I encourage you to try it.  When you do it on line no one can see you, and there is no need then to feel self conscious.
Now is such a challenging time for all small businesses,  including yoga studios.    If you are looking for a Zoom class, Circle Yoga Cooperative has a nice set up. I am teaching 2 Zoom classes for them a week, Monday Level 1 and Thursday Super Gentle.  Feel free to check out all their classes.  This is the site for this week.  Then spring session begins on Monday, April 6th, and if you sign up for one class you can take 2 each week.  And if you used to take classes at Circle and have moved away from the DC area or cannot get physically to the studio, this is a great opportunity for you to reconnect with Circle.
I have also taught a couple of classes for Rock Creek Sports Club using Facetime live from their Facebook Page.  
Please send me an email if you have any questions about either of these options.
Below is a picture of me doing a gentle twist with Moxie.
I will end with a quote from Thich Nhat Hanh which is especially apt for these times:
You can’t calm the storm ...
so stop trying
what you can do is calm
yourself, the storm will

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