Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Yoga for Healthy Bones!

Please consider joining me for a 6 week mini-series “Yoga for Osteoporosis” at Circle Yoga in Chevy Chase DC.   Classes will be held on Thursdays from April 11 through May 16 from 12:15 to 1:30 pm
This series is designed for those with osteoporosis or osteopenia as well as for anyone who wants to build stronger bones. The practice will be based on the work of Dr. Loren Fishman and Ellen Saltonstall, and is comprised of 12 poses that have been proven to increase bone density when practiced with some regularity. You will learn the basic warm-up poses and how to build your strength in the 12 featured poses. Each class will highlight several of the poses as well as other supporting poses that improve posture, balance and bone density. The 12 poses can be adapted for students of all levels.  It is also fine to repeat if you have taken a series before.
 I will periodically post one of the 12 poses or a warm up pose as well as poses from Dr. Fishman’s second series of 12 poses that they are studying now.  Try practicing at home, and   send me an email if you have any questions to
A basic warm up pose, that is also in the second series, is mountain or tadasana.    It is a great start to a practice for building bone strength as well as a good practice for improving posture.
“Stand tall with your feet parallel and hip distance apart.  Press all 4 corners of both feet (inner heel, baby toe mound, big toe mound and outer heel) evenly into the earth, firmly as if they were growing roots.  Have a slight flex in your knees.  As you press down lengthen your side body and lengthen your spine.  Imagine that you are growing taller.  Relax your shoulders as you extend up through the crown of your head.  Keep your face soft and jaw relaxed.  Let your breath be smooth and quiet as you keep the length and strength in your body.  Stay for 30 seconds in this manner, closing your eyes if it feels comfortable.”
Here is a picture of me in mountain pose.

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