Thursday, April 6, 2017

Welcome to Spring! Dietary Tips

Welcome to Spring!
Dietary Tips
I just returned from a week visiting family in San Francisco to Spring in full force. Winter's sluggishness and debris are clearing out to make way for all the new growth of spring. In my yard the red buds are in bloom, spring flowers are popping up all over, and some of my herbs which wintered over are looking strong. Spring is the season for beginnings and renewal, and we want to and should align ourselves with the natural world. As we leave winter behind, we feel more energetic, spend more time outdoors, and it is also a good time to cleanse ourselves of any imbalances that accumulated over the winter.
A perfect way to clear out any lingering imbalances from winter is to adjust our diet. We do not need the heavy foods of winter. In spring, which is Kapha season, we want to eat lighter and warming foods.
Eat fewer grains and dairy products which can contribute to spring colds. Favor pungent foods and spices like hot peppers, ginger, mustard, radishes and onions. Consume more greens which have the bitter taste, and eat foods with the astringent taste, which includes legumes and cabbage family vegetables.
Spring is also the best time of the year to embark on a cleanse to help our body get rid of wastes we have been holding on to; it is like cleaning our “internal closet”. The basis for a cleanse is kitchari, a combination of mung dal and basmati rice with spices. Here is a picture of my basic spring kitchari topped with cilantro from my garden. The recipe will be included in another post.  If you would like more information about trying a spring cleanse, even for a day or two, please contact me at  

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